The Little Ant

The little ant walked away;

Walked away and hid.

It turned a corner in its way

And gradually, down it slid.

Lowered his head and cried

Of hurt.  Not because he was tired;

And how they said he never tried

This is why he was fired.

They said he wasn’t good enough;

They said he was a slob;

They said he was feeble, not so tough;

Making a mess his only job.

Wiping the cheeks’ dampness;

Up he slowly rose.

After a moment of weakness;

Fighting was what he chose.

He cried his heart out;

But then emerged as a hero.

Blocked out the screams and shouts;

And began again as a neo.

He climbed up and fell;

Shouted others,” So did I tell!”

Sqeezing his eyes shut,

He made it all the way.

Overcoming pain and hurt;

Triumphed at the end of the day.

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